Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Wikispaces are an extremely helpful online tool both for learning and organization. For project based purposes, the teacher can begin the wikispace by posting some learning content and then ask the class to add more. By adding links, many students can contribute to the wikispace at a time and very much like Wikipedia, it can be edited as well. An instructor could assign certain topics to groups and have them update the page over time to see their progress. For organizational purposes, wikispaces greatly benefit both students and teachers. Reason being, information such as when assignments are due or scheduling can all be posted on a wikispace. This way, class time will not be wasted by going over what is already posted online. Also, students and teachers could grab information such as the student handbook, handouts, guides or flyers to events on the wikispace itself. Wikispaces certainly contribute a lot organization to students and teachers alike, as well as include a lot of course content for the students and for this reason I would definitely implement it into my future classroom.

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