Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Interactivity #1

The three most influential communications technologies in my life are texting via cellphone, Facebook and my iPhone.

"Olivia's Story" was a very informative video for our class to watch as it shows us how some of our future students may experience and use technology. Olivia represents a new generation of students who are more comfortable with technology in this day and age. Granted, this does not mean that all children from now on will be automatically be adept with new technologies. As a future educator I must not assume that all my students are skilled with technology. Though, as evident in the video, Olivia did show that she was much more fluent in using computer applications and programs than her Big Sister, Donna. It is also important to note that while Olivia represents a tech savvy student, she also represents students who do not always have the means to access technological resources. As a teacher, I would have to understand that not all my students have the advantage of owning or even being able to access a computer. In the video, Olivia showed that she would go out of her way to update her MySpace in school or in her apartment building. If I had Olivia as a student, I would use her ambition, preference and skill in technology for assignments as I feel it would benefit in her learning.

The video "Learning to Change, Changing to Learn" was an interesting take on technology and how it could translate from its conventional use to a more educational one. The students in the video cited many ways they used technology in both their personal and academic lives. One student mentioned that while she used her cellphone for social communication, she also used its camera capabilities to take pictures for her school project. Another student mentioned that she used the internet to learn Japanese and that she wouldn't have many of the hobbies she had if she did not have a computer. This video showed how technology can be used positively by students. These students used what they had outside of their conventional use, such as the cellphone, to help them with their schooling. The use of technology also allowed these students to learn about other topics and fields of study that they may not have learned in schools. It allowed them to gain a new hobby or strengthen an old one. Though there are disadvantages to using technology in the classroom, such as it creating a distraction, this video showed that if done right technology can be a very resourceful tool in learning.

As stated above, technology can have its advantages and its disadvantages. Texting, Facebook and my iPhone are all examples of technologies that have shaped my life. Texting can easily represent the current state of today's society. Much like the world today, texting is quick, short and to the point. A message could be told in a few keystrokes rather than in a five minute phone conversation. Texting allows me to change plans, say hi to an old friend or ask for a ride home all in an instant. It's an easy way to keep in touch with many friends throughout the day rather than waste time on the phone. Texting certainly has had its benefits in my life, as I am able to relay information to friends and family instantly but it has also had its disadvantages. Though texting allows for quick communication, the messages are often very short and therefore take out the personal appeal in communication. I feel that it is much more personal and intimate to say hello in person or on the phone instead of texting it. Also, text messages can get read and understood differently resulting in miscommunication. It is difficult to show emotion or tone in text messages and texting a generic smiley face will never cut it.

Facebook is very communication oriented as it allows users to know what their friends and families are up to. Though I was extremely reluctant to join at first, I eventually made an account my senior year of high school and I'm glad I did. It has allowed me to keep in touch with my friends who went to out of state universities and family members who do not live in the United States. While Facebook is very beneficial in keeping communication between people it also has its problems. I've noticed that often people are more comfortable communicating through Facebook than in person. They will post a message on a friend’s wall but never call them to say hello. I find that it is detrimental to real life communication and much like texting it negates the personal level of communicating with others.

My iPhone has been very beneficial to me as it is a tool for knowledge and entertainment. I can listen to music, read e-books, play games and go on the internet. I can learn about anything I want to on the internet. I used a dictionary app that I downloaded just last night to look up a word I didn't understand in a reading for my READ 411 class. I can also use this tool to call, text, or email any of my friends or family members. It allows me to be linked to those in my life and the rest of the world. However, my iPhone's biggest flaw is that it is a large distraction. I constantly want to check for updates because it is readily available.

Both the technologies used in the videos and myself have are very similar in how they affect our lives. They are both very beneficial to in our social and academic lives. They allow us to keep in touch with our peers and let us learn about anything in a few clicks. However, technology has proven in both instances that it can provide distractions. So, as a future educator I would have to learn how to balance technology and its use in the classroom.

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