Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I recently discovered a new multimedia presentation tool called Prezi, which offers a new alternative to Powerpoint presentations. It essentially takes a Powerpoint document and makes it more interactive and certainly more visual. As teachers, we have to remember that all students learn and take in information differently. While some are more adept at learning by listening to a lecture, others are more visual learners. The "Zoom" feature is one of the main selling points of Prezi and allows the presenter to zoom out of the presentation to show students the big picture and how all of the content connects. Prezi offers a more engaging twist to Powerpoint slides, as they can be bland and boring at times. The services are free for the basic service, but using a school email (Student/Teacher) enables even more features not included in the basic service. A critical feature of Prezi is that the presentations can be edited and shared by multiple users online in real time. I feel that Prezi allows teachers to teachers to use presentation slides in an engaging and fun matter and also presents content easier to students than a Powerpoint ever could.

The Prezi "Canvas"

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